Character Information
Real name: Unrevealed
Occupation:Member of the Lizard League
Legal status:Citizenship unknown, criminal record in the U.S.
Former aliases:None
Place of birth: Unrevealed
Marital status: Unrevealed
Known relatives: None
Group affiliations:The Lizard League
Base of operations: Unrevealed
Height: 5′ 10″
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
Strength level: Iguana possesses far greater strength than an average woman of her height, build, and age who engages in intensive exercise. The exact limits of her strength are unknown.
Iguana is en agent of the diabolical Lizard League. She is a proficient hand-to-hand combatant and melee fighter and a member of the League’s team of superhumanly powered enforcers. How Iguana acquired her powers is unknown at this time.
Known superpowers
Iguana utilizes 10 razor-like claws composed of an unknown composite material strong enough to rend substances as durable as hardened concrete. She has extensive training in swordsmanship and the art and science of armed combat involving cutting, stabbing, and slashing weapons. These training methods were modified to incorporate the use of her razor-sharp talons. She also trains extensively in close combat hand-to-hand stand-up, clinch, and ground fighting styles, encompassing various forms of martial arts, boxing, and wrestling.
Her speed, agility, and stamina are far greater than that of an Olympic-level athlete. She has heightened vision, a resilient body, and can swim at speeds surpassing the fastest human, roughly 16 kph for short durations. Her uniform is composed of a special composite polymer material that is resistant to penetration wounds, electricity, and certain temperature extremes.