Other Media
Video Games
Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (2017)

Game Bio: Jason Lee Scott is the original MMPR Red Ranger and a natural born leader. A 17-year-old-black belt, Jason’s sly smile betrays his rugged young warrior mantle to reveal a kid next door with a bit of mischevious streak.
Released: 3/06/2017
Dragon Shield Jason Scott

Game Bio: To prevent Tommy’s Green Ranger powers from falling into Rita’s hands, Tommy gave Jason his Dragon Power Coin. This enables Jason to summon the Dragon Shield, giving him more power, strength, and the Dragon Dagger; which has the ability to summon the Dragonzord.
Released: April 2019

Game Bio: Quick as lightning, strong as steel, the indomitable Gold Ranger is secretly Trey of Triforia. But when injury forced Trey to temporarily transfer his Power to another, Jason Lee Scott returned to service as the mighty Gold ZEO Ranger.
Released: 9/28/2017
Movie Jason

Game Bio: Jason, the Red Power Ranger, was a football legend in his small town of Angel Grove until one fateful mistake. In need of redemption, he is given a chance to lead a new team and must find it in himself to rise to the challenge.
Released: 03/23/2017