When Magik used her time-traveling abilities to bring Iceman and Beast from the past into a dystopian future, they encountered a new squad of X-Men. One of the future X-Men was Kymera, daughter of Storm and Black Panther. Much like her mother, Kymera is a voice of reason, talking a Phoenix-possessed Quentin Quire from throwing young Beast into the sun. Kymera is always accompanied by an enormous black tiger-like cat with glowing stripes.
After the events of the Battle of the Atom, Kymera decided to stay in this current time, to track down the Brotherhood from the future.
Powers & Abilities
Kymera appears to have some kind of telepathic rapport with all animals, having called upon various creatures to aid her in battle and in protecting the baby, Shogo Lee. She is also very skilled in the use of her hunting knives, and an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant.
Other Media
X-men: Battle of the Atom
Kymera is featured in the mobile card game “X-Men: Battle of the Atom” based on the comic book story with the same name. Her cards are:
- Kymera
- [Future] X-Men