In 1951, world-renowed scientist Dr. Jekyll Formaldehyde accidently dropped the vegetable portion of his well-balanced lunch into the path of an experimental particle confabulator. The molecular structure of the pickle was altered and enchanced. Overly developed muscle groups formed instantaneously. Gamma-enriched vinegar coursed through its veins. It became intelligent… noble… tasty. The pickle was code-named Weapon Kosher and began a strict training regimen under supervision of Dr. Formaldehyde. The pickle’s superpowers were honed to sweet and sour perfection. Dill justice became its only desire.
It was decided that Weapon Kosher, and indeed all humanity, would benefit from a larger team of fresh and leafy heroes. Experiments were conducted on more foods, but alas, a backfire in the laboratory produced only rotten produce. Evil, rotten produce. The succes of Weapon Kosher could not be replicated. The failed test subjects, the Brotherhood of Evil Produce, escaped into the outside world and immediately went into hiding. So the pickle hero was put into a cryogenic slumber to supercharge his powers. When the Brotherhood of Evil Produce resurfaced, Weapon Kosher was pulled out of the jar and put into action.