
Moltar is a scientist/geologist that has the technology to genetically engineer molten creatures. He first appeared in the original Space Ghost TV show in the episode “The Ovens of Moltor” where the character was originally named Moltor.

Moltar's original costume
Moltar’s original costume

Backstory: Though not much is known about Moltar’s origins, it is likely, that at one point, something horrific happened to his face. This is probably the case due to the fact that he wears a helmet at all times. If this, indeed is the case then his disfiguration was most likely caused by the molten Lava that surrounds him constantly. His disfiguration might also have been what turned him bad. The pain from the burns might have been so great that it caused him to go insane or at least disgruntled enough to become a villain. On top of all that, his disfiguration might have alienated him from others.

In Space Ghost Coast to Coast, he works as the director for Space Ghost’s talk show. He is the only one of the main trio to be married as he has a wife named Linda and three kids. He is stated to be a magma man.

He was the first host of Toonami from 1997 to 1999.