Palmer Addley was a promising researcher part of a top secret program for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), until he committed suicide, an act that he filmed for his superiors to see. He was pronounced dead and the case was left at that; until a few months later when several of the projects that Addley had worked on started shutting down throughout the US, until there was almost nothing left. Not long after, all of Addley’s offensive weaponry projects started showing up fully active in countless locations around the globe, with each location being home to a massive terrorist attack and a message saying “Palmer Addley is dead.” Pronounced undeniably dead and with no conceivable way for him to have leaked his research to anyone, the question remained of just how Palmer Addley’s plans were being leaked and just who was building them.
Palmer Addley was created by Nick Spencer and Barry Kitson. He first appeared in 2011’s Iron Man 2.0 #1.
Major Story Arcs
Palmer Addley is Dead
James Rhodes a.k.a. War Machine first came to hear of Palmer Addley shortly after he was assigned by the Pentagon to be the US Army‘s own “Iron Man.” With high-tech terrorism running rampant across the globe, Rhodes was ordered to find out how to stop whoever was building Addley’s weapons.
Following a lead to the supposed perpetrators in Russia, Rhodes found himself led straight into a trap. His armor was crippled by a virus and he was then hit with a nuke. Although Rhodes survived the attack, his armor was utterly defeated. This defeat would lead Rhodes to have his armor be upgraded by Tony Stark, thereby allowing him to become Iron Man 2.0.
The Palmer Addley Infection
After some extensive digging into classified files by a member of Rhode’s intelligence team, it was discovered that Addley had developed a virus before his death that carried with it his consciousness. Having infected himself with this virus, he had committed suicide so that his organs would be distributed to needy people, thereby infecting them with his virus. Those infected with Addley’s virus would soon unwittingly start developing his weaponry and sending it out into the world. The true threat however lay in Addley’s virus, as it was quickly spreading throughout the world, making the consciousness of Palmer Addley a global pandemic.
Powers and Abilities
Palmer Addley is a genius in countless fields, including (but not limited to) nanotech, robotics systems, high productivity computing, surveillance technologies, and biosciences.