
Gentle Girl
Gentle Girl

Her parents were English missionaries in India. Her mother was raped by shapeshifting demon and she is the result of that. After the birth her own father tried to kill her, but she slashed his throat. She then was left into the jungle to die, but she survived.

Years later, she had adopted the name Rakshasa and participated on a contest where three Egyptian gods tried to find themselves a channel to this world. She met Purgatori there, and they fell in love from the first sight. There were six contestants, and only three were to be selected, and everyone needed to prove their worth. Her opponent was a necromancer, and she won. Then Purgatori tried to get possession of a summoning stone, and they fought again with beaten foes, emerging victorious again. Then the gods Set, Tehut, and Isis arrived. Isis selected Rakshasa as her body. Purgatori tried to fight them but was badly beaten. Then Isis/Rakshasa approached her and offered her a chance to join with her and kill other gods. Purgatori accepted and took control, killed Set and Tehut, and used Isis’ power to separate herself and Rakshasa. Rakshasa and Purgatori walked away from there, together.

They are later in Egypt and try to find some info on a new messiah, but are captured by Lucifer. Lucifer mentions that he has uses for Rakshasa and transports Purgatori to the Arctic.