Rama Khan

Since prehistoric times, the land called Jarhanpur was an oasis that was never disturbed by foreigners because it was protected by Rama Khan. However, when a boy was abducted because he was to be Jarhampur’s next ruler, Wonder Woman intervened. She and the Justice League of America went to Jarhampur, where they battled Rama Khan. During the fight, Wonder Woman’s golden lasso was broken. However, she managed to restore it, and reunited the boy and his mother, but in doing so, destroyed the bond between Rama Khan and Jarhanpur, and left Jarhanpur in ruins. For that, Rama has promised revenge on Wonder Woman and the rest of the JLA.

Another Rama Khan was a predecessor to the modern day leader of Jarhanpur. This Rama Khan joined the Leagueof Ancients of Gamemnae to fight against a “seven headed hydra” which was the time traveling JLA. He was betrayed by the atlantean sorceress once the League was defeated. Rama Khan was absorbed by Gamemnae and probably part of his powers passed to her and to his successor of that time.

Powers, abilities, and skills

At one with the land, Rama Khan can control the elements, call down storms, command vegetation, and even rise up as a living mountain of malice!