When her mother was pregnant of her, her father proudly told everyone he was about to get a son. When Sammi turned out to be a girl, her father was so ashamed that he made Sammi pretend to be a boy. Sammi worked in her uncle’s shop as a delivery boy of ramen noodles.
Major Story Arcs
The Toughest Contest In The World
![Sammi with the mask of the Ramen Rider](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_small/13/131756/2544751-ramenriderheadsammy.jpg)
When the toughest contest in the world was beginning, Sammi disguised herself as Ramen Rider. Her first round was against Professor Gloom. Secretly, Professor Gloom had made a little device which made other relive their greatest moment of despair. Sammi relived the pressure of pretending to be a boy.
Thanks to a pep talk from the Ramen Rider, the heroes were able to defeat the villains in their next round, winning the contest.