Red Phantom


Michael Drown worked in a vaudeville act at the Magus Theater many years ago. Even before the monsters moved into Monster Town, the neighborhood was still dangerous. Drown was shot on the steps in front of the stage, but his spirit refused to move on. While in the theater, he is nearly omnipotent. He has successfully kept it crime free.

Until now…..

Melmoth, the deposed king of the Sheeda, had an entire Magus audience killed to power his return, getting the attention of Red Phantom and other Gotham City Monsters. These monsters band together under Frankenstein’s leadership. However, as he is permanently bonded to the theater, Drown ties a random brick around Frankenstein’s arm so that he may join them in their quest. After they succeeded, Drown returned to haunt the Magus Theater but left the brick with his new friends in case they ever needed his assistance again.


Michael Drown is an immortal, disembodied spirit. He has been shown to walk through walls as well as possess part of the theater. He is also capable of shape shifting into a red demon with immense strength.