Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines
Sent back in time to kill John Connors after the T-1000 failed, T-X is a very lethal prototype. It is a hybrid between the T-101 model and T-1000 model because it has an endoskeleton similar to the T-101 model but it has liquid metal alloy surrounding it so it can take different shapes and recover from wounds.
T-X can also mimic retina scanners with its advanced technology allowing it to pass into most security systems with ease. This makes T-X extremely hard to kill. It is only destroyed when the Terminator puts a hydrogen fuel cell in T-X’s mouth and explodes with extreme force causing a mushroom cloud.
T-X was sent back as another try to kill John Connor before he started the resistance. T-X was programmed to kill John’s future wife, Kate Brewster in addition to John. Also, T-X was programmed to kill many of John Connors future officers of the resistance.
T-X has numerous weapons built into it and they include:
- M41 pulse rifle
- Twin Barrier Gun
- 783 Chain Repeater
- Admor BioBlaster
- Modified BioRail 32SR-9
- CG45 Needler
- Consiglio EBlaster
- EMP Generator
- Crescent Corridor Blaster
- 223 Automatic Stopper
- Finite Rapid Cluster Gun
- IAD-ChemTech
- Modified HK-54334
- HDE Predator
- KLD-Magnum Repeater
- Laser X-ray Burst Gun
- Nano-Disrupter
- P31 Caustic Shells
- Rumsfeld P31 Caustic
- Subauro Neutralizer
- Tracking EBlaster
- .45 Cascader
- XFLRG 44mm
- Flamethrower
- Buzzsaw