The Grandstander is a supervillain of unknown origins. He is a mercenary who will take down anyone for the right price if he has to. In the past he has also pretended to be a superhero named Vigilante in order to trick the public.
Grandstander is one of the few recurring supervillains published by Cyclone Comics. He is an enemy of both Dark Nebula and the Southern Squadron.
The Grandstander doesn’t appear to have any powers, although he does have a staff. This staff has a blade which can retract from one end, and it can shoot lasers. It appears to give Grandstander the ability to fly somehow.
The Grandstander is a really arrogant person. When he was pretending to be a hero named Vigilante, Grandstander thoroughly enjoyed the attention he got, and assumed that everyone loved him. Shortly afterwards, when he met Dark Nebula, he said “You’re my second greatest idol, after myself!”.