The Silencer


The Silencer unmasked
The Silencer unmasked

The Silencer was a MAPPO employe who used to discipline the Elephantmen and refer to them as monkeys. When the U.N. descended on the factory he tried to escape and was attacked by Ebony Hide. He was rescued by Casbah Joe who took him to a nearby hospital and with the help of Destiny‘s father he had surgery and half of his body was replace with bionics. He became a hitman and used the money to pay for cancer treatment.

Destiny tracked him down so that he could repay his debt to her father and rekindle their relationship. He decided it was better to kill her. He later decided to move and now resides in The Eye of the Needle which is a restaurant managed by Casbah Joe.

Hip Flask

He is informed by Casbah Joe that Serengheti had a target for him, that target turns out to be Obadiah Horn. He accidently kills Sahara, Obadiah’s wife and Serengheti’s daughter, earning him to wrath of both Obadiah and Serengheti.