Originally named Spear after his primary weapon, he and his half-sister Skyfire shared a strong mutual disdain for each other as they were growing up. Both of them believed that they were the natural inheritors of the mantle of leadership from their shared father, Prey-Pacer. Shortly before attaining adulthood, he was renamed as Swift-Spear and became the Fourth Chief of the Wolfriders after the death of his father.
Moody and headstrong, the only ones who could cause him to reign in his famous temper was his cousin and lifelong friend Graywolf and his lover, Willowgreen, a beautiful Elf with remarkable healing powers. However he often found Willowgreen infuriating due to her deep fear of the wolves and her clumsiness as she was one of the last of the pureblood Elves and thus lacked the native Wolfriders’ bond to the wolf pack and native strengths.
He developed a fierce hatred for humans after they killed and skinned one of his wolf friends, Blackmane and he was successful in driving the humans from their woodland holt, taking one of the humans’ spears for himself and afterward renamed himself as Two-Spear as a reminder of his feat.
However as a Chief, he was intolerant of any kind of innovation or new ideas. When Willowgreen suggested that they might grow plants for their food; he found it to be disgusting and abhorrent, as well as insulting to the hunters. Two-Spear’s behavior also became increasingly erratic with wild mood swings, leading many to suggest that he was “too much wolf and not enough elf”.Â
When he encountered a pool of ancient Elf magics, he had a vision which he saw how a group of humans had murdered the first Elves or High Ones when they came to the planet Abode and drove them away from the Palace of the High Ones. Enraged by these actions, he decided to declare war on humanity, which forced a schism in the Wolfriders themselves. A large group of the Wolfriders believed that they could not succeed in winning and was led by his half-sister, Skyfire who challenged his fitness of leadership.  Although Two-Spear succeeded in winning the challenge, he spared Skyfire’s life and split the tribe in twain. He would lead those who wished to fight the humans while the remainder would follow Skyfire’s leadership into exile.
![Â Kahvi, Two-Spear's Long Lost Daughter?](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/0/4/96115-10778-kahvi.jpg)
It is unclear what became of Two-Spear’s faction of Wolfriders afterward. Kahvi, who is apparently his daughter attempted to unsurp her father for leadership of the small band and lost. She subsequently was left in suspended animation for many centuries.
Several centuries later, a Wolfrider Chief, Freefoot met a group of nomadic Elves who tamed goats as steeds and claimed to be distant kin to Two-Spear’s tribe. This clan may have later helped form the Go-Backs. The final fate and death of Two-Spear remains a mystery.