The man who would become Chronoduck first appeared in a pet shop when Gosalyn was to pick a pet and, after being told not to take any dangeous one like a snake, decided to take a turtle. The man interfered, insisting on taking the turtle. When he got it, he revealed to Gosalyn and Drake Mallard that the reason he wanted it was because the turtle was so slow it could crawl through time itself, allowing him to travel through time. After dressing up as his alter ego, Chronoduck, he briefly returned to the pet shop to reveal himself and to announce that right now, he was stealing the hourglass diamond at the and that Darkwing was already too late to stop him. Since the turtle had previously transported Gosalyn into the future for a few minutes, where she watched Darkwing falling to his death in his fight with Chronoduck in a clock tower, she tried to prevent him from going there, but to no avail. When she watched Chronoduck and Darkwing fight, Gosalyn noticed that the turtle had a message written on her belly, telling her to use a nearby rope. Doing so, she was able to save her father from falling, who jumped back up, landing right on Chronoduck. Gosalyn quickly took the turtle away from him and wrote the message for her past self on its belly.
Chronoduck was later one of the inmates of a security prison Negaduck took over, him and Tuskernini being instructed by him to watch the monitors.