In the alternate universe of Flashpoint, Dexter Dent was one of the twin offsprings of Harvey Dent. After being kiddnaped by the Joker of his reality, he was rescued by the Batman of that universe. However, the trauma of the events of that reality affected negatively to his sister, who killed herself. His mother, Gilda Dent, was emotionally broken and send to Arkham. The misfortunes of Dexter didn’t ended there. His father was killed accidentally when Batman was after an atlantean killed who has just killed Barry Allen. Batman almost left Dexter to die, but he rescued him in the last moment and put him under his care. However his emotionally distant way affected negativelly Dexter who lived in the ruined Wayne Manor, under the guide of Wayne employe Oswald Cobblepot, who trained the kid in the use of firearms.
Meanwhile Batman was in pursue of his personal crusade, Dexter tried to take out his mother of Arkham. However, the mind of his mother was heavily damaged and had been collaborating with the Joker to set a trap to Batman, including using her own son as bait. When Batman found the two women, he choose to sacrifice his wishes in an attemp to save Dexter. In the fight, Gilda died, but Dexter survived. The Joker, ashamed of her past actions, helped to rescue Dexter in the last minute.
Returning to Wayne Manor, the Joker was put under seclusion and Batman prepared himself for an alien invasion. He gave a mask to Dexter, acepting him as his sidekick, the Robin of the Flashpoint universe.