Velvet Black

During the Blairverse’s early days, there was a systematic lack of competent villains. There were only doofus and oddballs.

Velvet Black began as a “Nick Fury” figure in the universe, leader of the space station named Naginata, and leading an army of clones for any danger. She asisted people like Samurai (Toshiro Himura) and Kohl Drake in their adventures. She even promoted the creation of the first superhero team, Dragonring (then Dragonforce). So she seemed like the Big Good in the small indie Universe of Blair.

Then she suddenly became evil, took control of Toronto Canada and began executing dissidents. How? Why? Perhaps Blair didn’t have any credible villain and turn Velvet into one to raise the stakes. Anyway, Samurai (Toshiro Kimura) and some friends defeated her troops, putting her in the run, but many people died in the conflict.

In the obscurity, Velvet kept her resources and planned dastardly villany after villany. After Aircel became an adult-themed line, Velvet remained as central villain! Now she plagued the duo of Leather and Lace in their action/sexual adventures.

When Blair resurrected the Blairverse in the 90s, Velvet returned as the main supervillain, plaguing her former allies of Dragonfire (the old Dragonforce).