Dante Rigoletto

Other Versions


In PunisherMax, Dante Rigoletto is the Don of one of the five mafia families. Wilson Fisk works for him, setting up the Kingpin plan to distract the Punisher. Rigoletto hires the Mennonite to kill the Punisher while the Kingpin plan was in action because the other Dons feared that the Punisher was seeing through the plan. When Fisk executes his secret plan, Rigoletto holds Fisk’s family hostage. Fisk shoots Rigoletto and his men, but not before Rigoletto kills Fisk’s son.

Other Media

Daredevil (Netflix Series)

Rigoletto is mentioned in the first episode of the series but his death is confirmed by Ben Urich’s mob contact. Rigoletto was mutilated by the Kingpin because he posed a threat to his rise to power,