Aleister Golden

Aleister Golden was a recluse who amassed great wealth by supernatural means. It turns out that Aleister was an occultist and the only reason why he allowed his wife to bare a child is so he could sacrifice it later when he or she was of proper age. Aleister’s wife took Dawn away the moment she was born in order to keep her daughter out of Aleister’s unnatural world. Unfortunately, Aleister still remained in contact with his estranged daughter in secret because Dawn did not want to believe her mother’s fantastical stories about her father conducting unholy rituals with demons.  
When Aleister fell gravely ill, he asked Dawn to come so that he could bid her farewell. Dawn laid by father’s bedside with tears coming down her face and Aleister lured her into a false sense of comfort by stroking her hair. At that moment, Dawn noticed a glimmer of light in her eyes as she picked up her head. Aleister was about to stab her with a dagger. Dawn grabs her father’s wrist and breaks it thus causing him to drop the dagger. Aleister confesses his true intention of bringing Dawn to his ancestral home. Aleister needed to sacrifice Dawn because her soul would serve a greater cause which was making him a Lord of Hell on Earth.  Dawn left her father agony and Aleister eventually died or so everyone thought.