Doctor Henry Jekyll was created by David Elliott for Titan Comics‘ A1: The Weirding Willows. He is based on the original Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde from Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Henry’s weakness is his pride and his vanity. He is feeling his age now, he has led a fairly virtuous life but he has developed a weakness for ever younger women who in turn make him feel even older. He has developed a serum that will make him younger but it isn’t stable and transforms him into his alter ego Mister Edward Hyde. It is only active for a brief moment before it becomes ineffective. Being a close friend of Dr. Philippe Moreau, he reached out to him for help. Philippe couldn’t help but during one visit, Margareete Marche approached Henry with what he needed. It was an ingredient that would give him exactly what he needed.
But either Edward Hyde or Henry Jekyll is a murderer. One of them is really Jack the Ripper.
Dr. Henry Jekyll is well built for his age. He has a few wisps of gray at his temples in his dark black hair.
- Age – 51
- Height – 6′ 2″