G-Man and his friends were originally created by Chris Giarrusso, and introduced in ‘Comic Bits’ of Image Comics. He was a back-up comic for the Savage Dragon series, as well as collective one-shots and trade paperworks. His comics are all-ages grapic novels both writtin and illustrated by Giarrusso.
Mikey G wanted to be a superhero. When he found a magic blanket, he used it as a cape to gain the ability of flight. It also enhanced his strength and gave him general invulnerability and endurance. His older brother, Dave G took a piece of his cape and made a belt out of it. He decided to call himself ‘G-Man’, stating that the “G stands for G”. Along with his brother, Dave G, whom took on the alias ‘Great Man’, they act as superheroes and go on many adentures with their friends.