The daughter of supervillain Lex Luthor, Alexis Luthor lives in the peaceful yet boring earth-16, where all the troubles of the world have been resolved thanks to superheroes and where the sons and daughters of superheros and supervillians alike live peacefully.
Despite this, Alexis lives ostracized because of her linage. Even though she is in a secret relationship with Damian Wayne, she is not always invited to important events such as Sister Miracle‘s party due to her father having killed Superman.
Alexis was the vehicle used by the Gentry to wreck havoc on the super robots software to send them into a rampage. Whether she was stopped and whether she is still in a relationship with Damian Wayne is unknown.
Alexis was created by Grant Morrison and Ben Oliver. As with Damian Wayne and Christopher Kent, she was based on Ardora, a character of the Super Sons saga.