Gary Concord the Ultra-Man


Gary Concord, the Ultra-Man is the name of two characters, father and son , published during the 1940s in All American Comics. He was more close to be a pulp science fiction character than a super-hero, more similar to characters like Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon.

While this character has the same super name as the Silver-Age Ultraman of Earth-3 and other incarnations such as Ultra-Manand both are property from DC, they are unconnected characters.

Gary Concord Sr.

Gary Concord Sr., a 20th-century scientist, was put into suspended animation in 1950 to awake to find his long sleep had given him super powers and he was in the year 2174.

He put his new abilities to work defeating the tyrant Rebborizan, the people came to call him the Ultra-Man, and he married Leandra, the daughter of the dictator he had defeated.

Gary Concord Jr.

His son Gary Concord Jr. was born in 2214 and inherited his abilities and grew up to be the second Ultra-Man as well as the High Moderator of the United States of North America. (which extended from Canada to Brazil.)

Gary Concord Jr. battled the warlord Tor and other menaces until he, like his father, was put into suspended animation until the 100th century where he awaked in the planet Almeer-5 and formed a super team made up of himself and three others heroes called Avatar, the incarnation of a divine power, Behemoth, a creature of hulkish strengh and Metallica, a crippled genius clad in ca cybernetic armour. They formed a friendship with the time traveling speedster XS, who helped them escape to oppose to a mysterious tyrant called Nevlor, who had created reborned, twisted copies of the original champions of the planet.