

George is a man that lives with his mother. He shares a room with his brother Harold.

Major Story Arcs

George hates his brother Harold for two reasons: 1) Harold is slow; 2) Harold likes to play with poisonous critters. Since the two share a room, George has demanded that Harold not play with his snakes and spiders in their room.

One day, George catches Harold playing with his critters in their room. George is incensed and begins beating Harold. A black widow bites Harold and George is almost happy when he thinks that Harold might die. Turns out, however, that Harold is immune the poison. George then learns that Harold has hidden his pets. He spends days trying to find them. He has nightmares of nasty critters tormenting him. It is too much. George goes to Harold’s bed by the window and he shoves his brother out. Harold dies. George feels he can finally rest easily. In fact, he takes Harold’s bed by the window. It is only then that he learns of Harold’s hiding place; the bed is loaded with poisonous critters that leap out and attack George.