Father to one time Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, born Gabriel Vasquez, and known by various codenames such as Aaron Rayner and Raymond Hauser. While working for the American Central Intelligence Agency, Aaron Rayner’s missions reached such a dangerous level that his wife (Maura Rayner) and baby son (Kyle) become endangered, and Aaron is forced to separate from them. To acknowledge the seriousness of the threat to her and young Kyle, Maura and Aaron together even go so far as to construct and file a bogus domestic violence incident. Due to the breakup of the family, Aaron is forced to leave his wife and son without any financial means and to a rather limited life.
Created for use in DC Comics by Chuck Dixon. Aaron Rayner’s first appearance is in Green Arrow #111 – Final Appeal which was released in August 1996.
Major Story Arcs
Power of Ion
Kyle uses the power of Ion to track down his father. Aaron lies about why he left his mother but Kyle knows the truth. What Kyle doesn’t seem to know is that Aaron knows about Kyle being the Green Lantern.
Rise of the Third Army
In the new 52 it is been reveled that Aaron left Kyle and his mother when Kyle was six. He left during a rain storm and never said goodbye. He only handed Kyle a baseball glove, that Kyle threw in the mud to chase after his father car. (In the new 52 the events of Power of Ion don’t seem to have happened.)
Powers and Abilities
Aaron Rayner is a CIA agent, and as such presumably has hand to hand combat training and is proficient with firearms.