Aaron Slaughter

Aaron Slaughter


Aaron lost his birth parents in a freak one vehicle car crash. After he entered the adoption system, Jessica Slaughter believed he matched The Order of St. George profile. Despite his tumultuous training, Aaron eventually passed his tests and received his mask with teeth.


Aaron can be seen for the first time albeit obscured in Something is Killing the Children #4 by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell-Edera

Major Story Arcs

Erica’s Initiation

Aaron was just a boy when Jessica came home with Erica, ready to train her. Aaron and Erica’s relationship was immediately antagonistic thanks to Jessica telling Erica that she could bully him. Despite this, Aaron saw Erica as a sister and even gave her a pointer on how to pass her initiation.

Relationship with Jace Boucher

After Jace got an invitation to join the House of Slaughter by Cecilia Slaughter, he bunked with Aaron Slaughter. It was unusual for a White Mask to bunk with a Black Mask, however, a White Mask dorm was not ready for Jace to move into. Although they briefly had a rivalry, their time spent in close quarters eventually gave way to romantic feelings.

One night, after Jace passed his initiation and earned teeth markings on his mask, he asked Aaron to meet him on a Chicago rooftop that had been their favorite spot with a packed bag. He told the story of what happened to his family at the hands of The Old Dragon and that he intended to enact vengeance on the House of Slaughter. Having Aaron meet with him outside of the chapter house was meant to keep Aaron away from the violence.

That night, Jace had his chance to meet with the Old Dragon now that he had his teeth. He left his and his parents’ totems around the chapter house with the heads cut off, giving the monsters inside the chance to escape. As the rest of the chapter house dealt with the monsters, Jace took on the Old Dragon one-on-one, however, he was stopped by Aaron, who couldn’t let his fellow Black Masks, Erica and Jessica, be in harm’s way.

After Jace’s escape and Aaron’s eventual initiation, Aaron was sent to kill Jace. He found Jace hunting a monster and saving children. He had created a tent city refuge for the children orphaned by monsters. Aaron saw the good that Jace was doing, and, rather than kill him, Aaron sliced off Jace’s hand to bring back as proof of death, leaving him alive to care for the children.

Archer’s Peak

While Erica was a main hunter in the field, Aaron became her superior. He often made calls to local law enforcement to get her off the hook. Erica was playing it pretty fast and loose in Archer’s Peak, however. This angered The Old Dragon and Cecilia Slaughter. They needed Erica reigned in so that the existence of monsters is kept a secret. Believing Erica was not equipped to keep the secret, they sent Aaron in to do the dirty work, killing the last of the witnesses.

Aaron was not interested in killing Erica, although the option was given. He was prepared to kill the witnesses, however, he didn’t really want to do that either. Instead, he joined Erica as she searched for a nest of oscuratypes after determining the one she had already killed was a mother.

Unfortunately, they had turned the school gym into a makeshift morgue for the large number of bodies they found in the oscuratype nest. A group of grieving people had assembled in the parking lot waiting to identify their loved ones. This attracted one of the child monsters that had already reached maturity. After it had publicly killed a child, a death which was recorded and posted to the internet, Aaron drew his sword and took on all the oscuratypes at once, so that Erica could get everyone safely inside the school gym.

Aaron was not able to hold off all of them and was killed.