

Abed is a study group member at the Greendale Community College.


Drawn by Jim Mahfood. Writing credit is given to Troy Barnes, a fictional character from the TV show. It’s actually the writing of show creator Dan Harmon.

Major Story Arcs

Oddly, Abed and his friend Troy are the only ones left when Snake Men attack the college. Three friends are zapped into oblivion while two hot ladies, Britta and Annie, are kidnapped for breeding purposes. Unfazed, Abed knows that they need help and, in true side-kick style, suggests that Troy call in the help of Kickpuncher via the red button they installed in Dean Pelton‘s office. Not only does Abed suggest methods of rescue, but he also, in true side-kick style, explains the genius of Troy’s ideas. Once Kickpuncher arrives, Troy and Abed accompany him to Egypt. They find the Snake Men and, once they are defeated, Troy and Abed high-five their way into a life of living in pyramids with Britta and Annie.

Other Media


Danny Pudi
Danny Pudi

Abed’s character is based on a character from NBC’s “Community” and his character is played by Danny Pudi.

The show is only a background for the character so the info gleaned from watching shouldn’t be viewed as comic canon, but it would be good to see where the creator of the comic got his ideas for the character.