Adam Carthalion


Adam Carthalion was the leader of House Scarlet in the city of Arathoxia and his ability to tap the red mana of the mountains made him one of the most powerful mages in the city. Adam married Gwendolyn Mor and had a son, Jared. At one point Adam learned that the Plainswalker Ravidel was becoming too powerful and was bent on destroying Dominaria. Adam made a deal and sacrificed his wife for more power from Ravidel, which he secretly meant to use to defeat the Plainswalker.

At some point in his travel Adam met Eusomone, the Hurloon Minotaur and gave him Foecleaver, an action that would later come back and aide his son Jared Carthalion.


Adam was created by Jeff Gomez for his Armada series Magic the Gathering–The Shadow Mage.

Major Story Arcs

Shadow Mage

For more information see: Shadow Mage

Plains of Ephen, Autumn of 1265: Adam Carthalion, his Spell squire Ezer, his son Jared Carthalion and most of Adam’s army find themselves on a mountain top, where the Plainswalker Ravidel appears. Adam’s plan was to sacrifice his son, much like he did his wife, but something changes inside the mage and denies Ravidel’s request for the young baby’s soul. Adam sends Jared off with Ezer, so that he can face Ravidel without concern for this son’s safety. Ravidel defeated Adam and left him to die on the battlefield as his lands and armies burned around him.