
Adrastus, son of Talao, was king of Argus. In his youth, dynastic rivalries led him to take refuge in Sicyon, whose throne he occupied.

He later was able to return to Argos. Being king welcomed there Polynices, expelled from Thebes by his brother Eteocles, and tried to replace it on the throne. This led to the War of the Seven against Thebes, in which all the heroes died less Adrastus.

But ten years later could be avenged by a punitive expedition undertaken by their children (Epigoni), driven by the same Adrastus.

During historic times, Adrastus received worship in Megara, Sicyon and Argos. It may be admitted that its origin must have been a genius of vegetation, probably originating from Sicyon, which later fell into the category of hero and was related to Argos.