Agnar of Vanaheim

Brief History

Agnar was once an enemy of Balder, going so far as to attack him while he had taken a vow of non-violence. Volstagg explained to Agnar the trials of Balder, which made Agnar have a change of heart, then devote himself to Balder’s service.

Powers and Abilities

The Gods of Asgard have physical attributes that make them superhuman compared to human beings. They are near ageless, immune to all diseases and have superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and a high level of resistance to injury. The typical Asgardian God can only lift about 30 tons while the typical Asgardian Goddess can lift near 25 tons. The Gods of Asgard are also granted certain mystical abilities that in the past have shown to get them the power to change their appearance, transform matter and wield a numerous amount of different energies. Though many Asgardian Gods/Goddess’ have not shown the ability to wield any type of energy or shown any mystic abilities these powers are inherent to all of their race.