Alisa Adams

Character History

Alisa is Hogtied
Alisa is Hogtied

Alisa Adams worked with Henry Simmons at the Gotham City Star Labs until they were both abruptly fired by Poison Ivy who started work at the company under a disguise and alias.  She discovered Ivy’s ruse and tried to kill Ivy for revenge but was unsucsessful.  Ivy was impressed with Alisa and kept her on as part of her personal staff.  This helped Poison Ivy have access to past information that led her to almost be killed by the Alstairean.  
Alisa has kept Poison Ivy’s secret.  This is odd due to their relationship.  Ivy tends to threaten her very life as a means of motivation.  Alisa is a single mother of a young girl so her new lifestyle could ruin not jut her life but the life of her daughter.