Alma Matrix


Marvel Italia

According to S.H.I.E.L.D. datafile, Alma Zareth was one of world highest expert in Artificial Intelligence, and have worked for all her life with former M.I.5 member and scientis Edwig Caine, aiding and supporting him in raising the five Gemini children and the formation of Gemini Team.

However, she was well aware of the secret of Gemini, the “Meta-Impulse” and the so called “Child One”, the Nosferath, keeped in cage in the basement of the Vera Croce base.

When Front start to investigate the truth and seemingly to kill Edwing Caine, Alma first substitute him as official director of the Gemini Project, and after that she free the Child One and aid it to take control of the Vera Croce Base and capture Suede, Grip, Mandala and Balance.

When Mr. Illusion drag Front into a trap and the five children where reunited, Alma, now turned Alma Matrix by the power of Nosferath, prepare herself to kill the heroes for her master. Instead, Nosferath attack and devour her, using her energy to restore it true form.

Powers & Notes

While Alma Matrix seem to have a large set of powers, there are no prove that Nosferath really give here something. While she receive a full body armor, blade that spurt from his wrist, and her hand glow often with energy and other things, she have never used any of them against anyone. So it’s possible that Nosferath, planning to kill and devour her, never give her some true power.

As Alma Zareth, she was a stunning beautifull readhead with high intellect and experience in various field: while officially expert only in A.I., a life of work and study with Ediwg Cain, expert in superhuman and supernatural have given her a quite vast rang of knwledge in many field