Andy Warhol

An American “artist” who was famous for his bold use of color and mundane things.   He was also into cinema.  Andy Warhol became a famous “Art Icon” worldwide for his contributions as a painter, avant-garde filmmaker, record producer and  author.

Born August 6, 1928
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A
Died February 22, 1987  (aged 58)
New York City, U.S.A


  “Marilyn Monroe ”
 Promethea #29 art by J.H. Williams III
 Promethea #29 art by J.H. Williams III

Andy Warhol’s style would be emulated in comics as a source  of “Inspiration” for cover art.  A list of covers inspired by Andy Warhol’s style can be found in the fine arts section of the Homage Covers page.