

She rescued Punisher when he falled from heigh after he attacked Kingping appartment in Manhattan. She take him to her own home near Riverside Park and the Hudson river in the West Side. She helped him to popped his shoulder back into place (because it was dislocated).

Punisher searched criminal reports regarding Angela Mondoy but didn’t find anything.

Brainwashed by Alaric, she thinks she loves him and works for the Trust. When Alaric tells her to watch the Punisher, she goes searching for him.


Angela was created by Steven Grant and Mike Zeck and first appeared in the Punisher Vol.1 issue 2 limited series from 1986.

Major Story Arcs

Circle of Blood

Angela and Alaric
Angela and Alaric

Angela sees the Punisher scaling the Kingpin‘s building. He gets hurt in a explosion and Angela rescues him and bandages him. She pretends to care about the Punisher, forming a relationship with him and even having sex with him. All to try and persuade him to join the Trust. She later shoots him when he finds out that the Trust are bad guys. When the Punisher infiltrates the Trust, Alaric tells her to escape to the car and wait for him. When she sees the Punisher, she tries to run him down with her car, but she wrecks it into the fence of a bridge after the Punisher shoots a couple bullets into the radiator. She is in the car with it tilting like it might go over the bridge as the Punisher walks away.