The being know as Model Four is a clone, a DNAlien created by Cadmus Project from the genetic material of a criminal called Floyd “Bullets” Barstow. Model Four was haunted with the possibility of becoming a criminal as if his genetic material of origin belonged to an evil man. He eventually accepted be called Floyd, or Number Four and worked as part of Cadmus Security team.
When he battled Misa, the girl managed to scratch him, causing his absorsion powers to manifest but also developing an inconcious personality, far more violent. In this stae, he fought against Superman but he scaped the hero only to awake in his bed. Scared on how his powers made him more evil, Four was confused about what to do.
He becomes a member of The Superman Revenge Squad and beats Riot into submission until he signs on as a member. Superman defeats the group and places Anomaly in prison. Intergang braks Anomaly out of prison and recruits him to kill The Guardian, S.T.A.R. Labs protector. He has a change of heart and the plan fails. He helps the Guardian and in return is allowed to come back to Cadmus, to see if he can be helped.