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Real Name: | Unknowable by mere mortals |
Aliases: | High Lord of Chaos Beautiful One Lord of the Seven Darks Knight of the Swords Lord of the Higher Hell |
Company: | Creator-Owned |
Creator: | Michael Moorcock |
Gender: | Other |
Character Type: | God/Eternal |
First Appearance: | Giant-Size Conan #5 - A Sword Called Stormbringer! |
Issue Died: | None |
Powers: | Astral Projection Chameleon Cosmic Awareness Dimensional Manipulation Divine Powers Flight Healing Immortal Intellect Invisibility Invulnerability Magic Necromancy Omni-lingual Phasing / Ghost Probability Manipulation Reality Manpulation Shape Shifter Siphon Lifeforce Soul Absorption Time Manipulation Time Travel Voice-induced Manipulation |