Ashley was born on the world of Sirona and comes from a long line of Alliance soldiers. Due to her father’s frequent deployments, she helped to raise her sisters. She enlisted in the Alliance navy as a marine after high school and was assigned for training in Brazil. She was later sent to Titan for more training where she was made a platoon leader of her fellow trainees. Later it is revealed that her grandfather was General Williams, the first human to surrender to an alien force. This prejudice against her family continues and she is forced into more mundane roles. He first encounter Eden Prime during the course of a mission by Commander Shepard.
She appears primarily as a tie-in to comics related to Mass Effect
Character Evolution
She is bitter over her family’s legacy and strives to make amends for it.
Major Story Arcs
Thus far she has not been included in any story arcs, rather being featured in a single issue praising the art of Mass Effect.
Power and Abilities
She is a well-trained soldier and an innovative battleground thinker.