Aunt Kate was created as a character for the TV series “Falling Skies. There, she appeared within the first episode of the first season. She was played by the actress Lynne Deragon.
Falling Skies (Season 1)
Aunt Kate was the wife of Uncle Scott and the aunt of Anne Glass. After the invasion of the Earth, Kate joined the 2nd Mass with her husband and her niece. Since that she was one of the civilians and one of the cooks of the 2nd Mass.
What happend to Aunt Kate?
Her fate was never really revealed. She doesn’t appeard in the second season so far and most likely died at some point between season 1 and season 2. Aunt Kate probaly died even befor the Battle of Fitchburg because she doesn’t appear in the comics Falling Skies: The Battle Of Fitchburg either.