Autumn appears in the Drawn & Quarterly comic book series, Optic Nerve.
Autumn was created by Adrian Tomine.
Character Evolution
Autumn works with Ben Tanaka, and the two are friends. She is also an artist and musician, and plays in a performance art troupe/punk band. She has a crippling phobia of germs, and cannot bear to kiss people, much to Ben’s disappointment – the two go out together a few times, but the relationship doesn’t last because of Autumn’s unusual fear. One of Autumn’s artistic projects involves her getting up every morning, going to the toilet, and taking a picture. She plans to do this for a year, and then use the results to create an artistic exhibition.
Major Story Arcs
Autumn is a minor character in the Optic Nerve story arc Shortcomings, the issues of which were later collected into a single volume of the same name.
Powers And Abilities
Autumn is a human character with no special powers or abilities.