Nayeli Constant is a former software engineer based in Austin, Texas. While working late one evening, the extradimensional helm of the original Aztek crashed through her window. Upon exploring the history of the helm and its war against Tezcatlipoca, Constant chose to adopt its mission as her own.
Nayeli Constant was created by Steve Orlando and Stephen Byrne. Her first appearance was in Justice League of America #20 (December, 2017). A prior version of the character named Azteka first appeared, and is the inspiration for Nayeli, in JLA #13 by Grant Morrison and Howard Porter.
The Light and the Warrior
Nayeli Constant operated as an Austin-based software engineer until encountering the helm of Aztek. Literally crashing into her life, the helmet enthralled Nayeli with its information. Learning about a generations-long war being fought by different bearers across the centuries, Constant opted to take up the mantle. Using the specs provided – along with her own technical know-how – Nayeli updated and improved the armor to become the latest Aztek.
Nayeli found herself drawn to Vanity City following the Ray’s departure. While he was operating with the Justice League of America, Constant battled against the dark forces gathering within the city limits for months. After trouncing Mister Scarlet, Aztek confronted the Ray upon his return home. Detailing her reasons for setting up shop in Vanity, the two heroes teamed together to take down the Luminary and his Sons of the Earth gang. Reaching an understanding, Aztek continues her mission to stop the influence of Tezcatlipoca.