Babe Boone


Babe Boone was just your average gal from Possum Holler in the Ozarks, or that is your average gal who has been sipping Lightning Juice, a beverage mostly made from an extract of fermented lightning stuck oak tree bark.

This potion gave her impossible levels of strength, endurance, and speed. So strong in fact that she was able to become the first women to play professional baseball (winning two World Series almost single handedly,) football (she left that sport due to feeling bad about having to hurt so many defenseless men,) and boxing (again dropping out because of the damage she had to inflict on her opponents.)

Major Story Arcs

Most of her adventures however were set not on the sports field but back home in Possum Holler a small community that beside Babe and Mammy and Pappy Boone boasted such citizens as a merman who lived on land and got around with the use of a pair of crutches, a three-legged caveman who had been hatched from an egg that rolled out of a volcano, and Hook & Crook the three-lunged bandits, among others, and was in the vicinity of a community of small centaurs who liked to ride on the backs of women, the Pool of Youth and Beauty, a patch of land that reversed the gender of those who walk though it, and a rival baseball team so tough that the average game against them led to two or three dozen fatalities.

Add to that the random magic lambs, Hollywood celebrities hiding from their fans, and odd customs of Possum Holler, “ya’ got ta knows a gal for at least 6 hours befur ya’ can marry ’em,” and Babe could be said to have lead one interesting life.

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