Bagra-ghul is a demon created by Mephisto because he was bored with the mundanity of suffering. He wanted a demon that would could make art out of punishment and death. Bagra was created to kill and create bloody monuments. He was bonded to Bram Straub, the child of demon worshippers so that he could do his work on Earth.
Bagra-ghul first appeared in Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance – Alpha by Benjamin Percy
Major Story Arcs
Weapons of Vengeance
Bram would be forced orphanage to orphanage as Bagra would kill orphans and turn them into twisted, gorey spires. Social worker, Ada Flores, took special care with placing him somewhere, even trying the Xavier Institute. It is there where Wolverine first gets whiff of him.
Years later, Bram would go to Weapon Plus to remove Bagra. Bagra would be exorcized from Bram and given Wolverine‘s body to possess. As the Hellverine, Bagra would attack mutants, who were currently enemies of the state thanks to Orchis propaganda, for the US government. When Bagra was instructed to kill a mutant infant, Wolverine was able to overwhelm Bagra, taking control back over his body.
Bagra decides to give up on Wolverine’s body and return to Bram, who had felt empty since he had Bagra removed. Ghost Rider, who had been working with Wolverine, shows to use his damnation stare on Bram and Bagra, turning them into a warped stone monument, similar to how Bagra treats his victims.