

Bait loses his arms
Bait loses his arms

Bait was the son of two alcoholics. One night while they were passed out from a day of drinking, Bait was playing with his older sister, Ashley. She was trying to teach him how to cut shapes out of paper like snowflakes and doll chains, when they were attacked by an animaltype monster, a large centipede like creature. It ate Ashley and cut Bait’s two arms off. He tried to yell for his parents, but it wasn’t enough to wake them from their drunken slumber. While he raced out of the house to safety, he knocked over some lit candles, burning the house down with the monster and his parents inside.


Bait first appeared in House of Slaughter #6 by Sam Johns and Letizia Cadonici

Major Story Arcs

The Erie Mission

The White Masks were on a mission in Erie, PA, and it was not going well. Twelve bystanders under fourteen had been killed in monster attacks, eight of which since the White Masks made it to town. House of Slaughter considered this a lot for a town with a population under 1,000. Another anomaly was that the local orphanage had no victims, so Slaughter House decided to place Bait at the orphanage undercover. They believed one of the children at the orphanage must be manifesting these monsters.

Nannette, an older teen who helped with the care taking of the others, would read monster stories to the children. Bait determined that she was the source of the monsters, however, she reminded him of his late sister. So, he kept his conclusion from The Order to protect Nan.