Not to confuse with Behemoth of earth-8
In the 100th Century, in the planet Almeer-5, Bob Brunner was just another working stiff until an energy transfer accident transmorphed him into the Incredible Behemoth. With greater size and strengh he thought he could stop the tyrant Nevlor, but he was overcame by the sheer number of the Nevlor soldiers. He ended along other fighters like Ava, Metallica and Ultra-Man, as prisioners on the Nevlor’s dungeons.
Nevlor then employed impostors to take the heroes’ places. But with the help of XS, a speedster from the 30th century who was lost in the timestream, Bob receovered his powers when the time traveler disarmed the inhibitor in Bob’s neck, they escaped and defeated the impostors. After defeating their doppelgangers, Bob and his friends rtetired to the lair of metallica, where Ava helped XS to return her to the time stream with the Spear of Destiny.