
Weird Worlds

Bent and Tanga Watching Korghan Fight
Bent and Tanga Watching Korghan Fight

Eeeeelehrgahognatvispertillia Bent, or just Bent to most people, is a depressed, witty, and out of place visitor to the planet Cammera. According to Bent, he explained himself as, “A misunderstood artist and poet travelling in search of inspiration”. When questioned by Tanga if he makes a living doing that, Bent responded by saying that he is a mechanic.

My Greatest Adventure

Bent and Tanga
Bent and Tanga

Bent reappeared in My Greatest Adventure walking with Korghan before Tanga appeared. He, along with all the Cammerans, blamed Tanga for the resurgence of monsters that had been attacking them. Tanga explained that Bent was the only friendly face that she knew.