

Sister to Darkseid‘s servant, Desaad, Bernadeth was one of the first recruits into the Female Furies.

Bernadeth hated being a subordinate. When Big Barda, the former leader of the Female Furies, left to live on Earth, Bernadeth saw it as a chance to seize leadership for herself. However, Darkseid instead appointed Lashina as leader, leaving Bernadeth to plot revenge. Eventually, she had an opportunity and left Lashina stranded on Earth. Bernadeth then assumed leadership of the Furies. Lashina later returned to Apokolips with the Suicide Squad and, after a long and vicious fight, snapped Bernadeth’s neck, killing her. Darkseid, appalled at the fact that Lashina had brought outsiders to Apokolips, killed Lashina and resurrected Bernadeth. After Darkseid resurrected Lashina, Bernadeth agreed to share leadership of the Furies, with Lashina acting as the field leader and Bernadeth leading them outside of battle.

Major Story Arcs

Hawkgirl: Hell Hath Furies

The Furies were assigned a squadron of Parademons in order to find a stolen Beta-3 Gizmoid. They discover that the gizmoid has landed in St. Roch, Louisiana on Earth. According to their readings, the gizmoid has been activated and Bernadeth wants the gizmoid because Darkseid can’t allow Earth to be destroyed by anything from Apokolips or it will mean war with High Father. It turns out Desaad designed these gizmoids to be a planet killer but production of the device was put on hold when a rogue Parademon escaped with a gizmoid through a Boom Tube. The Parademon landed in Ancient Egypt and hid the gizmoid before he was killed by Desaad’s trackers.

The gizmoid finds itself near Stonechat Museum and it spots Hawkgirl soaring through the air. Its acquisition is computed as prognosticative Boolean algebra. The gizmoid decides that Hawkgirl would be a suitable template to begin Earth’s eradication but before it could replicate itself, the Furies converge on its location by via Boom Tube. The gizmoid narrowly escapes by releasing radiaon gas to slow them down. Hawkgirl spots the disturbance and notices the Female Furies are barely conscious. The gizmoid comes up from behind Hawkgirl and pacifies her then it optimizes for template replication.

When the gizmoid was finished replicating, it disposed of Hawkgirl like a ragdoll and it became a mechanized version of Hawkgirl. The gizmoid begins attacking St. Roch with an arsenal of weaponry. Bernadeth tries to destroy the gizmoid with a series of centiblades but her attempt was unsuccessful. Fortunately, the Nth metal on Hawkgirl’s wings became advanced by the gizmoid’s brief attachment to her. Hawkgirl soars toward St. James Parish because the gizmoid was getting near that direction. Hawkgirl tells the Furies to focus their fire power on certain sections that she cuts off thereby cauterizing the wounds because the gizmoid can heal itself with nano machines.

Hawkgirl’s plan worked and the gizmoid fell to pieces after sustaining the Furies’ relentless punishment. As for Hawkgirl, the gizmoid’s advancements wore off on her Nth metal because of its destruction and she became overly fatigued. Hawkgirl crashed near Mr. Dooley’s Tavern and Bloody Mary followed soon after. Fortunately, Danny Evans was watching Hawkgirl’s every move and he stopped Bloody Mary before she could sink her teeth into Hawkgirl’s neck. The Female Furies collect Bloody Mary and reluctantly thanked Hawkgirl for her efforts.

Our Worlds at War

For more information see: Our Worlds At War

Bernadeth and Lashina
Bernadeth and Lashina

Bernadeth, Stompa, Mad Harriet and Lashina, ambush Jimmy Olsen and Harley Quinn just outside of Metropolis. Although is it never made clear why they Furies attack the pair, but Bernadeth does mention the party Harley had once and how she had no fun at it. Bernadeth seems to have Harley cornered but then Mad Harriet double crosses the Furies and helps Harley escape with Jimmy.

Death of the New Gods

For more information see: Death of the New Gods

Bernadeth has made sporadic appearances in the Death of the New Gods storyline. She was part of the group of Female Furies that sought to forcibly recruit Wonder Girl in order to bolster the team’s strength to face the God-Killer. She would later appear on Apokolips, attempting to prevent Jimmy Olsen and Forager from escaping (and, at one point, woo Jimmy after he inflicts some much-desired pain on her). In the end, she fails to do so and is confronted by the mysterious murderer of the New Gods, apparently perishing at his hands.

Final Crisis

For more information see: Final Crisis

She is later seen in Final Crisis with the other Furies.

Personal Information

  • First Appearance: Mister Miracle (1st series) #6 (February 1972)
  • Status: Villain
  • Real Name: Bernadeth
  • Occupation: Shock Trooper
  • Base: Apokolips
  • Height: 5 feet 10 inches
  • Weight: 140 pounds
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black


In addition to possessing all the typical attributes of a New God, Bernadeth is a capable leader and tactician. A highly skilled combatant, she is resilient to pain, even enjoying it when inflicted upon her. She wields a weapon known as the fahren-knife, which burns its victims from the inside out.

Other Media


Justice league Unlimited

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After Darkseid was killed, Apokolips fell into a civil war. Bernadeth was one of the people fighting for the throne of Apokolips. However, After Darkseid was resurected, she pledged her alligence back to him.

Justice League Action

Bernadeth in Justice League Action
Bernadeth in Justice League Action

In Season 1, Episode 43 “It’ll Take a Miracle!”. Granny Goodness and her female furies go against Batman and Mr. Miracle to retrieve the Anti-Life Aquation.