Other Media
Video Games
Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (2017)
Billy Cranston
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Game Bio: Billy Cranston is a sweet, ultra-intelligent nerd. He might not be the strongest fighter, but don’t underestimate his ability to utilize the tiniest flaw in his opponent.
Movie Billy (2017)
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Game Bio: Billy, the Blue Power Ranger, has always been challenged in his abilities to communicate and interact socially. Whip-smart and sweet, he is the most pure-hearted of the group.
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (2019)
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Game Bio: The Cenozoic Blue Ranger was a loyal and powerful soldier who served with Zordon, the original Red Ranger. Eons after his tragic demise at the hands of the traitorous Green Ranger Rita Repulsa, his Power Coin was found by a teenager by the name of Billy Cranston, who then took on the Blue Ranger mantle.