Black Death

Black Death

Black Death was a villian who worked along with Gorilla Grodd to distract the Justice League by entering in the infant universe of Qwewq. Inside that microcosmos, a version of earth existed, but without having any superbeing. In that world without superheroes, Black Death planned to kill everyone, having no opposition to his power. The JLA, minus Batman, went after him, working undercover to not alterate the evolution of Earth-Q. Even if the League was capabele of stop him, he already was satisfied because he had reached his purpose.

Even it is possible than his influence affected the essence of Qwewq, who would be becoming the Nebula Man of the Sheeda.

Powers and Abilities

Black Death was capable of tunrning poisonous any thing he touched, from any drink to the air itself. From his attitude it was revelead than he enjoyed massive killing and genocides, and that it was he agreed to work for Grodd.