

Bloodtype first arrived to Vanity City as the hero Mr. America ( a moniker used previouslly by Tex Thompson). He was teamed up with his wife Liberty Lass, and both served as a husband-and-wife team who bring hope back to the city. However this ended abruptly after in a work for the CIA, the couple get involved in a terrible accident. As consequence, they were partially reconstructed by the government but the damage in their minds wa shuge. Mr. America was left as a unbalanced man, prone to the use of excessive force and a taste for big guns and bad one liners. Rebranded himself as Bloodtype, the previous gallant hero became a psychotic vigilante. Also, his marriage didn’t survive the trial.


Bloodtype died when he tried to stop a bank robbery staged by the Piper, a old thief who was forced to return to the crime to keep his daughter from being murdered. Bloodtype proceded to brutally beat down the Piper, causing him serious wounds. He could had killed Piper if Aztek, a newcomer to the city, showed up, and confronted Bloodtype and stoped him without causing him serious damage. However, one of the Piper’s robotic pipes was rigged with explosives and detoned, wounding severely many of the people in the bank, and also causing several deaths, Bloodtype among them. He died on his way to the St. Bartolomew’s Hospital.

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