Caleb Lost

Caleb Lost belongs to the Ameshas, one of the two main empires that contends the multiverse. He is a field agent, that spent hundreds of years on Earth and developed a personal love for mankind. He was a renowned teacher at the university of Paris in the 12th and 13th centuries, a period in which he learned about the existence of the Masters of the Night. He was then allocated in Prague, in the Theater of the Lost Footsteps, that is normally separated from the normal spatial-temporal continuum. During the years he conducted many investigations trough a vast net of informants all around the world, in order to be constantly aware of every suspicious event that can lead him to identify the presence of non-human beings. He is the one who enrolled, trained and helped Harlan Draka, Kurjak and Tesla almost since the beginning of their adventures. Caleb can’t leave Prague due to one of the laws that constitute the Law of Equilibrium, so the majority of the times he helps Harlan and the others from the theater.